Tuesday, September 30, 2008

8 week doctor visit (August 19)

By the time we went to our 8 week appt., I had already had 2 positive pregnancy test results, blood work to measure Hcg hormone levels and in case that wasn't enough another pregnancy test at about 7 weeks into it just to confirm. I "just didn't feel pregnant" anymore. With the anticipation of seeing our baby for the first time and finding out exactly how pregnant I really was, Brandon and I anxiously awaited that first appointment. When we finally, on a whim, got into the doctor it was August 19, the day before the first day of the new school year. With a new principal and a huge secret I ducked out the back door of work to go see our tiny baby.

The first ultrasound proved only that there was a bean, or a penguin, or a gummy bear fluttering in my uterus. Though it was amazing, I was still in a bit of disbelief. We were told that it's heartbeat looked great, normal and that it was measuring 13mm which put us at 7 weeks 5 days pregnant. WOW!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Baby B begins

July 28 Brandon and I discovered one of the best things a couple discovers in their life...After 3 negative pregnancy tests (one being at the Dr. office) the magical day came when my body was producing enough of the hCG hormone to result in a positive test!

With a history of irregular periods, I was convinced and emotionally prepared for it to take closer to a year to conceive. Boy did God prove us wrong! Within 2 months of going off birth control we received one of the greatest blessings!