Sorry for the delay in updating...I suppose this is the longest time between postings...Funny how ironic things are. Though I am delayed on posting on the blog, I am probably the most anxious in the whole pregnancy. I am counting down each day anxiously awaiting the end of one week, so I can start the next week making me one week closer to meeting the little guy...but yet, I neglect the post...interesting!
We are still feeling great! Gaining a pound a week at this point but not really noticing any change in the circumference of my belly. I was kind of enjoying that 'till I read on the weekly Baby Center update that "you are heading into a growth spurt"...great. Not that I don't want my child to be healthy, or that I don't enjoy feeling him move around inside of me, but come on, how much more stretching can your skin take?? And 9 weeks sounds like it is so close, but in "preparing for a growth spurt" it sounds like so much time, so much growing has yet to take place!!!
1 comment:
Lookin' good! Glad to hear you're still feeling good. I enjoy reading about your progress and seeing new pictures.
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